As part of the Meridian Water Community Chest funded programme, neighbourhood forum Residents of Edmonton Angel Community Together (REACT) partnered with local architects Fisher Cheng in order to deliver the Fore Street ‘Open All Hours’ Street Gallery.

The project completed in early 2024 and has uplifted and reinvigorated the high street and surrounding areas by creating a gallery of outdoor artworks on security shutters, council owned bins and walls.

The artworks were developed through engagement between local artists, businesses and the community, facilitating a sense of local pride.

The shutter artworks have enlivened the night scene by bringing colour and interest to combat existing feelings of unease and a lack of safety, during hours of business closure.

Revamped bins have helped improve the street scene, while drawing attention to their presence to encourage use, addressing the significant littering problem along Fore Street.

Murals have been installed on walls in and around Angel Yard, acting as a wayfinding device to draw attention to its presence due to its hidden location off the high street.

The project team has received an overwhleming amount of positive feedback from businesses, creative participants and the public alike. The Meridian Water Community Chest funding has made a real impact across our high street, improving the image of Fore Street, challenging negative perceptions, and fostering a sense of local pride, through inclusive engagement and upskilling of the local creative industry.


Fisher Cheng
Enfield Council
Meridian Water Community Chest

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Photo Credit: Hells Gibson